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Traditional Chinese Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10

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Traditional Chinese Culture - Essay Example

The Chinese traditional distinct language is a cultural value that establishes a mutually tolerant and universally embraceable world order. Language is a communication symbol that connects the Chinese citizens with external contacts. This is because a person has to learn the traditional Chinese language in order to transact business with the locals (Zhang 9). The distinct grammatical and phonological set up of the language inspires interest among foreigners. Similarly, the unique writing style requires one to understand the sentence formation for easy communication. For instance, business interactions require the usage of a common communication model understood by all partners. The traditional Chinese language has been studied across the world because the country boasts of sophisticated industrial and technological advancements (Zhang10). As a result, this has inspired a mutually tolerant and universally embraceable world order where people from diverse backgrounds come together to learn a common language.